Friday, December 12, 2008

Momo's 90th B-day weekend

Who says 90 is old?  Momo is still a spring chicken and the most amazing woman I have ever had the privilege to know and love.  How cute is she!!!???!!!  Wait, is that a drink in her hand?  Yup, it's in the family genes.....see more here

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dog Day at the beach

Big day at the beach!  Lots of fun pics thanks to a much better photographer than me!  See the rest here

Sunday, October 12, 2008

On the move in Cali

So much to see, so much to do, where does the time go!!??

I've taken some before and after photos of my place.

Also some pics of a hike I took to Point Reyes.

Video of Blue Angels flying over during fleet week.  And whatever you may find pointless and unnecessary but that's OK.  Please just work with me while I blog about myself.

Rest of the garb is HERE

Friday, September 12, 2008

Meredith and Barry's wedding wknd in Napa

Friends of Ted's were kind enough to let me crash their wedding weekend party.  Was a great fun-filled weekend of a full day of wine tours, followed by a wedding day filled with plenty more wine, great food and spa treatments.  If I were to be a professional wedding crasher, well, suffice it to say, this is where it's at!  yeehaw!  Rest of the album here

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Road Trip! Cara and I set out on the LOOOONG road trip from TX to CA on August 10th, dogs and a very full vehicle in tow..... The trip took 2 full days to get from Austin to Carmel, CA where we stopped for a nice relaxing stay until making the final leg into the Bay area mid week.

Doggies at their first hotel visit. Poor Marley just had surgery.

Marley & Miller in their new temporary home at the Embassy Suites. They dug it there. Had their own balcony and all!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friends and Fun

Last weekend in Austin :-(

More pics of friends/concerts and funny people dancing weird here